
A characterisation of the source content

Coded values

    Article - Innovation focus

    Code: 1

    Articles of this type focus on an innovation or one or more aspects thereof, e.g. financing, commercialization, development, etc.

    Article - Overview

    Code: 2

    Overview articles about an industrial sector or production process or other category. These articles may mention or cover innovations. This category includes for example rankings and competitions, but Fair-reports are not included. Fair reports have their own code.

    Article - Fair

    Code: 3

    An article about a fair ('mässa' in Swedish).

    Article - Product news

    Code: 4

    Article of one or a few paragraphs. It focusses exclusively on a new product. Usually, the section heading or additional titles (for example at the top of the column or page) indicate that it is product news or news.

    Article - Other

    Code: 5

    This category covers types of articles that are not covered by other codes. Or it can be used for uncommon situations. For example, when an article contains information that is used for multiple innovations but depending on the innovation one would choose a different article-type

    No article type selected

    Code: 8

    The source is an article, but the atype of article has not been selected. This code should normally not occur.

    Source not available

    Code: 9

    This article could not be categorized because it has no sources linked to it / there is no access to the article. This code was used for data-editing purposes. It should normally not occur.

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